Centennial Celebration Events

American Masters: The Disappearance of Miss Scott

American Masters: The Disappearance of Miss Scott

In 1923, Hazel Scott’s career began by playing the piano at just three years old. Scott continued to leave a mark on the political landscape and music industry until her passing in 1981.

“This film showcases Hazel Scott, a jazz virtuoso and Hollywood star. She campaigned for better treatment for Black actors and publicly defied Jim Crow laws. She was also the first African American to host a network TV show and was married to the outspoken civil rights campaigner Representative Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. However, her career came crashing down after unjust accusations during the McCarthy era.”

Produced by Nicole London and Shelia MacVicar, the exceptional life of Hazel Scott will be displayed in the PBS series, American Masters. Emmy Award-winning actress, Sheryl Lee Ralph will voice experts of Soctt’s unpublished autobiography with special interviews from Mickey Guyton, Amanda Scales, Tracie Thomas, Camille Thurman, Jason Moran, Karen Chilton, and Adam Clayton Powel III, the son of Hazel Scott.

Since 1986, American Masters has been known for highlighting the lives of various Black figures, including W.E.B. Du Bois, Little Richard, and Marian Anderson. Join us by watching the ninety-minute film, The Disappearance of Miss Scott!

The film will premiere on your local “PBS” channel at 9:00pm Eastern Time.

Sources: https://itvs.org/films/disappearance-of-miss-scott/


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The Hazel Scott Show

Tickets Begin at $10

“During the summer of 1950, Hazel Scott was one of the most famous women in the world. The glamorous Trinidad-born pianist had already conquered Hollywood and starred in movies alongside Lena Horne and Mae West. Now, her namesake TV show was beamed into living rooms across America three times a week and her way of “jazzing the classics” was adored by audiences at both Café Society and Carnegie Hall.”

The New World Symphony will have an encore show to the Hazel Scott (1920-1981) tribute as part of the “I Dream a World: Transitions and Trailblazers Festival”. Audience members can choose their ticket price, with a minimum of $10. Lead pianist, Michelle Cann will host a conversation with Hazel Scott’s son, Adam Clayton Powell III, during the event. Join us for a night of musical entertainment!

Source: https://www.nws.edu/events-tickets/concerts/2024-2025/the-hazel-scott-show/#/about

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Cabaret: The Hazel Scott Show


General Admission: $100 Each

VIP Experience: $400 For a Table of Four

(Accessibility accommodations are available upon ticket purchase.)

The New World Symphony of Miami will kick off its “2025 I Dream a World: Transitions and Trailblazers Festival” with a musical tribute to Hazel Scott, a piano prodigy, actress, and activist of the 20th century. Veteran pianists Michelle Cann, Wesley Ducote, Noah Sonderling, and Shih-Man Weng will join the New World Symphony to honor the musical and social legacy of Hazel Scott. Cann, who made her orchestral debut at fourteen years old, will also hold a conversation with Adam Clayton Powell III, the son of Hazel Scott, during the event.

Source: https://www.nws.edu/events-tickets/concerts/2024-2025/cabaret-the-hazel-scott-show/#/tickets

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Researching Women and Gender at the Library -- Hazel Scott and Dana Suesse: Polymaths of the Piano

Researching Women and Gender at the Library -- Hazel Scott and Dana Suesse: Polymaths of the Piano

Music Division Archivist Janet McKinney has processed the papers of numerous remarkable women in the arts, most recently composers Hazel Scott (1920-1981) and Dana Suesse (1911-1987). Scott and Suesse each began their musical journey as a child piano prodigy and found somewhat parallel paths as successful composers and performers spanning popular, jazz, and classical genres in the 1930s-1950s. Join us for a conversation with Janet McKinney and rediscover the lives, careers, and music of these two trailblazing women – all documented in the Music Division’s Hazel Scott Papers and Dana Suesse Papers.

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Dance Theatre of Harlem: Sounds of Hazel

Dance Theatre of Harlem: Sounds of Hazel

This fall, the Dance Theatre of Harlem presents a phenomenal ballet performance celebrating the legacy of Legendary jazz singer Hazel Scott. This once-in-lifetime event will take place at the Paramount Theatre Seattle on Saturday 5th November 2022!

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Dance Theatre of Harlem: Sounds of Hazel with Charleston Symphony Chamber Orchestra
to Oct 21

Dance Theatre of Harlem: Sounds of Hazel with Charleston Symphony Chamber Orchestra

Don’t miss the Southeast premiere of Dance Theatre of Harlem’s newest ballet, co-commissioned by Charleston Gaillard Center and the International African American Museum! Punctuated by Dance Theatre of Harlem’s signature style fusing a modern interpretation of the classical art form, the two evening performances will feature live orchestral accompaniment as well as original and reimagined music inspired by the life and times of jazz luminary Hazel Scott.

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Dance Theatre of Harlem: Sounds of Hazel
to Oct 8

Dance Theatre of Harlem: Sounds of Hazel

  • Dance Theatre of Harlem, Sidney Harman Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Season opener! DTH returns to Washington Performing Arts with the world-premiere performances of a new ballet honoring American music icon Hazel Scott, plus Higher Ground scored with Stevie Wonder’s Motown hits.

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WOW: Women of the World Festival
to Mar 21

WOW: Women of the World Festival

The Apollo’s 5th annual WOW (Women of the World) Festival is an entirely digital, two-day program of dynamic conversations, workshops, and performances for and by women and girls from around the world.

This year’s theme, Black Women Transcending will mark this particular moment in time as we continue to endure a global pandemic and navigate the current political climate in the U.S., while simultaneously balancing self-care, family, community and work. More than 80 women are scheduled to participate.

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Hazel Scott at 100

Hazel Scott at 100


Washington Performing Arts will celebrate Hazel Scott’s 100th birthday with a series of main stage concerts, special events, educational programs and a digital centennial portal promoting her legacy.

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Washington Perform Arts Receives funding for Spring 2022 Hazel Scott Celebration
to Feb 5

Washington Perform Arts Receives funding for Spring 2022 Hazel Scott Celebration

(Washington, D.C.)—The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) announced today that it has awarded Washington Performing Arts a $35,000 Grants for Arts Projects Award in support of its Spring 2022 Hazel Scott Celebration. Over the course of a multi-day tribute, Washington Performing Arts will host events celebrating the once-renowned American pianist and activist, including performances of her music, a world-premiere ballet commission (with Dance Theatre of Harlem) inspired by Scott’s life, concert/lecture programs designed around Scott’s role in New York’s Café Society, numerous institutional collaborations, and a panel discussion on jazz activism.

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Women in Jazz
to Jul 27

Women in Jazz

  • Philadelphia Community Access Media (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


A series on the Women who played instruments, arrange compositions, composed and led bands in the Golden Era of Jazz. Hostess & Jazz Diva Khadijah 'Renee' highlights historic and current women pioneers of the genre of Jazz. A showcase keeping the Legacy of Women in Jazz Alive!

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2020 Women's Jazz Festival: A BALLAD FOR HAZEL SCOTT

2020 Women's Jazz Festival: A BALLAD FOR HAZEL SCOTT

  • Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

An evening dedicated to the work and life of jazz and classical pianist, and actress Hazel Scott. Join us as we celebrate her centennial birthday. We kick off the festival with a musical tribute by pianist and composer Pamela Baskin-Watson coupled with a conversation with author and WBGO host Sheila Anderson, and Karen Chilton, author of Hazel Scott:The Pioneering Journey of a Jazz Pianist, from Café Society to Hollywood to HUAC.

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